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Horseback Riding:
Learn to Ride 2  
Skill Sets: 1, 2, 3

Do you have questions? Reach out to us and we can help!

Level Description

Join this level if you can catch, halter, lead, groom, mount and ride a horse with 'some' help. Riders will continue to develop those skills learned in Learn to Ride 1, and will be ready to learn to canter with the help of a Key Leader.


Skill Sets: 1, 2, 3

This level is sectioned into Skill sets 1, 2, 3 in order to organize, deliver, and learn the many skills in this level in smaller bites. The riders get to see their accomplishments and set goals for continued progress. Each section is recognized and rewarded!

Riders will be taught the Passport to Excellence Level 2 set of Horsemanship and Horse Husbandry Skills both off and on the horse. 


In order to be enrolled in this program, riders must know how to ... with 'some' help:


• Catch, halter and lead a horse

• Groom, tack up/untack

• Mount/dismount

• Ride at the walk and trot with little assistance of a LA.


*if your rider hasn't achieved ALL of these skills, see

Learn to Ride 1 


Success Trackers
Just a reminder that each session the success of riders is tracked and a report is sent home with the riders.


This is usually the time when ready riders  'level-up'.


However, in cases when riders are ready to advance sooner than the pre-scheduled Success Tracker reporting times the instructor will contact the parents and discuss options.



4-week months: $380.00/month


Monday Lessons: $285.00/month (Calgary location only)


Please note: To be consistent with provincial and federal holidays, we have created a schedule for Monday/Friday riders. There will be 3 lessons per month including the months that do not have a holiday. A schedule will be sent upon registering.



Duration: The horsemanship session lasts 1 hour and 50 minutes (nearly 2 hours) and combines a horseback riding lesson with a 'Horseplay' session. The 'Horseplay' session focuses on off-horse activities, where riders learn essential skills such as horse husbandry, grooming, feeding, tacking up, untacking, and more.


Cold Weather: During extreme cold weather, horseback riding lessons will be replaced with pre-planned, fun and valuable horsemanship lessons in our heated facility. Bringing horses in from the cold, warming them up, and then returning them to frigid temperatures is dangerous to their health. We prioritize the well-being of our horses and use these days as an opportunity for riders to learn essential horsemanship skills that are just as important as riding! The riders rave about these sessions!


Galina good.png

"Horses fix everything." 

Georgia, 8 LTR 2




Photo Girl on Ruby stretching for her ears. Neat pic..JPG

"My riding lesson is the best part of my week."

Karie, 10, LTR 2





Click here to go back to the "Select Your Rider's Level" page if this level doesn't feel quite right.

Leader Assistants:  LA's assist the main Instructor, and attend each class to assure safety, confidence and provides an extra set of helping hands in tacking and grooming the horses. 


This is the level riders are expected to 'wean' from LA's and become independent so that they can advance to LTR 3.


Horse Requirements

Clip Clop provides safe, sound and reliable, child-friendly horses for this level.


Attire (Riding Equipment)

Riders are required to purchase their own riding gear for safety, hygienic and comfort reasons.

See “Dress Code” in the Riding Lessons Information Package sent via email upon completion of registration for complete information on cost, vendors, and items.


The Dress Code also describes correct preparation of hair which is important because correctly prepared hair is the basis for a correctly fitting helmet.


Additionally, loose hair obscures vision and distracts the rider causing a safety concern.





6:35 - 8:25 pm

*3 Lessons/month



6:35 - 8:25 pm



5:45 - 7:35 pm

6:35 - 8:25 pm



4:05 - 5:55 pm

7:25 - 9:15 pm



9:55 - 11:45 am

10:45 - 12:35 pm

12:25 - 2:15 pm

2:05 - 3:55 pm



9:55 - 11:45 am

11:35 - 1:25 pm

1:15 - 3:05 pm


Learn to Ride 2

2024-25 Schedule




6:35 - 8:25 pm





9:55 - 11:45 am

1:15 - 3:05 pm


Please make sure you are looking at your city's schedule.

A Solid Foundation is the KEY to a successful future, and it's Our Promise to YOU.

Our promise to you is to teach your rider a solid foundation of horsemanship; to love, ride and care for horses in a safe and professional stables. 

Through horses your rider will learn about responsibility, empathy, personal power, resilience, fitness and specialized horsemanship skills as they experience our Learn to Ride and Growth Track programs.

Building the Foundation


Basic horse skills learned off and on the horse that are necessary for a solid foundation.




Basic personal skills learned through horsemanship that are vital to success in life.



Western lifestyle with young child rider on palomino horse in saddle on ranch close up wit

On-Horse Skills:

Are horsemanship skills learned through the direct contact with the horse riding and ground training.

Grooming, tacking up, and leading are examples.


Off-Horse Skills:

Are horsemanship skills learned dismounted and not in direct contact with the horse. 

Horse parts, breeds and colors are examples.

Class Description and
& Age


Clip Clop's riding lesson curriculum is based on The Youth Horsemanship Certification which is a planned progression of horse handling, horse husbandry and riding skills, with an emphasis on SAFETY, EDUCATION and FUN. These skills combine to create a solid foundation for the young horse person.


Categorizing riders by age in the sport of riding can be tricky. Riding is an individual sport, the horses are individuals and the riders are individuals.


Each one of these individuals is characterized by their size, personality, exposure, training, and comfort level with risk. All of these - and many more- transcend age boundaries, making categorizing riders by age alone an insufficient means of assessment. 


Our goal is that each rider feels confident, safe, and that they have a sense of support and belonging in our program while progressing through the levels at their own individual pace.

 Learn to Ride 1 (LTR 1) 

Ages 5 & Up 

Learn to Ride 2 (LTR 2) 

Ages 8 & Up

Learn to Ride 3 (LTR 3)

Ages 10 & Up

 Growth Track 1 (GT 1) 

Ages 12 & Up

Growth Track 2 (GT 2) 

Ages 14 & Up


The ages stated are generalized to give an idea of age vs. level and are by no means measures of comparison. There are too many factors in the sport of riding to be able to use age as a single identifier of skill or level. 


CC Summer 1 website.jpg
Go to Step 3 here
Register your rider.
Clip Clop Head Office
Office Only
810 Romaniuk Pl. NW
Edmonton, AB. T6R 1G3
Riding Locations
Clover Leaf Stables Equestrian Center
51328 Range Road 231,
Sherwood Park, Alberta
T8B 1K7
Carousel Stables
254207 Bearspaw Rd.
Calgary, AB. T3R 1G1
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